From: Kollel Iyun Hadaf
Sent: December 09, 2004
Subject: Diagram of the Beis ha'Mikdash (Maseches Tamid, Midos)


brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim

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(Included in this translation are several minor additions based on other sources, as noted. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of a pamphlet written by Rabbi Avi Shulman, published by Torah u'Mesorah, New York, 1968.)

#1 - The walls of Har ha'Bayis. The walls around the Temple mount enclosed an area of 500 Amos by 500 Amos. (The eastern wall was a little over 20 Amos high and the others may have been as high as 70 Amos. The Kosel ha'Ma'aravi, the Western Wall, is a remnant of these walls.)

#2 - The Huldah Gates. The two Huldah Gates in the southern wall, named for the prophetess Huldah who preached to the masses that gathered in the large southern area. (All entrances to the Mikdash were 20 Amos high and 10 Amos wide, except for the entrance to the Ulam, which was 40 by 20.)

#3 - The Eastern Gate. The Gate in the eastern wall, called the Shushan Gate, in honor of the capital city of Persia, an image of which was sculptured above this entrance.

#4 - Lishkas Sanhedri Ketanah. The seat of the smaller Sanhedrin where 23 judges presided. (In addition to the 23 judges, there were also three rows of 23 students in each row who studied the discussions of Torah law. This was the first of three Sanhedrin in the Beis ha'Mikdash.)

#5 - The Northern Gate. The Gate in the northern wall, called "Tadi," a private entrance used only occasionally. (There are various reasons given for its name. Some say that it was built by a man named Tadi. Others say that the name was Sha'ar *Teri*, since the top of it was triangular with a pointed arch.)

#6 - The Western Gate. The Gate in the western wall, called "Kifonos," a Greek word that means garden, which refers to the rose garden located between the western wall of Har ha'Bayis and the wall of the Azarah.

#7 - Soreg. The ten-Tefach high, wooden railing around the entire Mikdash. Only Jews who were Tahor (from Tum'as Mes) could go beyond this point.

#8 - Cheil. The ten-Amah high, and ten-Amah wide, corridor around the Mikdash. Twelve steps covered by an awning extended the entire length of the corridor and were used for seating.

#9 - Sha'ar ha'Mizrach. The entrance to the Women's Court.

#10 - Ezras Nashim. The Women's Court, 135 square Amos. A gallery was reserved here for women who came to view the Simchas Beis ha'Sho'evah. Each of the four rooms at the four corners measured 40 Amos by 40 Amos.

#11 - Lishkas ha'Nezirim. The room where the offerings of Nezirim were cooked and their newly shorn hair was burned (Bamidbar 6:18).

#12 - Lishkas ha'Etzim. The storage chamber where wood for the Mizbe'ach and fireplace was stored.

#13 - Lishkas ha'Metzora'im. The chamber with a Mikvah for the final cleansing of the Metzora (Vayikra 14:11).

#14 - Lishkas ha'Shemanim. The Oil Chamber, where oil for the Menorah and Menachos, as well as wine for Nesachim, was stored.

#15 - Lishkas Sanhedri Ketanah (second). The chamber of the second Sanhedrin of 23 judges, to whom more difficult questions were referred.

#16 - Fifteen Steps. Fifteen steps on which the musicians of the Leviyim stood while playing during the Simchas Beis ha'Sho'evah. (The fifteen psalms of Shir ha'Ma'alos, "Song of Ascents," in Tehilim are so called because they were sung on these steps.)

#17 - Two Leshachos beneath Ezras Yisrael. Entrances to the two rooms under the Ezras Yisrael where musical instruments were kept and the musicians and choir practiced.

#18 - Sha'ar Mizrachi of the Azarah. The eastern gate, the Gate of Nikanor, named for the man who donated the brass doors of the gate (see Yoma 38a).

#19 - Two Small Entrances. Two small doorways on either side of the Gate of Nikanor, used by people who were exiting; these doorways were positioned so that they would not be opposite the entrance of the Heichal, in order that the people exiting would not have their backs turned to the Sanctuary.

#20 - Lishkas Pinchas ha'Malbish. The Room of Pinchas the Dresser, named for the man who was originally in charge of distributing and collecting the Kohanim's clothes. It contained 96 closets where sets of clothes were kept for each of the 24 families of Kohanim. (The Kohanim were divided into 24 Mishmaros (watches), each serving in the Beis ha'Mikdash for one week at a

#21 - Lishkas Osei Chavitin. The room where the 12 Chalos of the Kohen Gadol were baked every morning. (They were offered daily in two parts, half in the morning and half in the afternoon.)

#22 - Ezras Yisrael. The Court of the Israelites, which was 11 Amos by 135 Amos, beyond which Israelites would not go unless necessary (Kelim 1:8).

#23 - Roshei Pispesin. Posts set in the wall to separate Ezras Yisrael from Ezras Kohanim (alt. Pesifasin -- a divider of stones laid out in mosaic
form) (Midos 2:6).

#24 - Ma'alah Achas. A step of one Amah.

#25 - Duchan. A stage with three steps on which the Leviyim stood facing the Sanctuary (their backs to the people) while singing. From the Duchan to the Mizbe'ach were 11 Amos, which comprised the Ezras Kohanim.

#26 - Shesh Leshachos. The following six chambers were on either side of the

#27 - Lishkas ha'Gazis. The Chamber of the Great Sanhedrin of 71 judges, the highest Halachic authority before which the most difficult cases were brought (Devarim 17;8).

#28 - Lishkas Parhedrin. The room used by the Kohen Gadol daily, and in which he resided during the seven days before Yom Kipur. ("Parhedrin" were government assessors who were appointed for one year. This room was so named when Kohanim began to pay money for the office of Kohen Gadol and were replaced from year to year.)

#29 - Lishkas ha'Golah. The room where fresh water was drawn from a well. The Lishkah was name after the people from the Golah (exile) who had dug the well (BARTENURA). According to Rabeinu Yehonasan (at the end of Eruvin), the name of this Lishkah is Lishkas *ha'Gulah* because of the large bowl (Gulah) that was set near the well and that was filled with water every day.

#30 - Lishkas ha'Melach. The room where salt was kept.

#31 - Lishkas Beis ha'Parvah. The room where hides of the offerings were preserved. On its roof was a Mikvah used by the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kipur. This room, with an ingenious system for bringing water to the roof, was designed by Parvah. (Parvah was a sorceror (Yoma 35a). Some say that a sorcerer by that name built this Lishkah (RASHI, Yoma ibid.). According to the ROSH (Midos 5:3), he was a Jewish sorcerer. Others relate that a gentile sorcerer, who wanted to witness the Avodah of the Kohen Gadol, had dug a tunnel from outside of Har ha'Bayis into the Azarah and emerged at this point, where he was captured and killed (RABEINU CHANANEL to Yoma 35a, and SEFER HA'ARUCH). Others say that this Lishkah was called "Parvah" because of the hides of *cows* (Parim) that were salted there. Although the hides of all animals were salted there, the word Parvah was chosen because it also happened to be the name of the person who designed it (RASH, Midos ad loc.). It was built in the sanctified part of the Azarah, and a spiral staircase ascended to it from the Lishkas ha'Madichim.)

#32 - Lishkas Ha'Medichin. The room where the Korbanos were rinsed.

#33 - Sha'ar ha'Mayim. The Water Gate, opposite the Mizbe'ach, was opened only on Sukos to bring water for the Nisuch ha'Mayim. A stream passed through the Azarah and flowed through this gate. When necessary, its flow was blocked, causing it to overflow and cleanse the Azarah floor.

#34 - Lishkas Beis Avtinas. The room where the Ketores was compounded, named for the Avtinas family of Kohanim. (The Kohanim of the family of Avtinas were the only ones who could identify the Ma'aleh Ashan, an herb which caused the smoke of the Ketores to rise in a column.) Next to this room was a second Beis Tevilah for the use of the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kipur.

#35 - Sha'ar ha'Bechoros. The Gate of the Firstborn through which the offerings of first born animals were brought.

#36 - Sha'ar ha'Delek. The Gate of Kindling through which wood was brought for the Mizbe'ach.

#37 - Sha'ar ha'Elyon. The Upper Gate, a smaller entrance for which no special use is mentioned.

#38 - Eleven Amos. Eleven Amos between the western well of the Ta'im and the western wall of the Azarah.

#39 - Two Small Gates. Two small gates in the northwest and southwest part of the western wall for which no special use is mentioned.

#40 - (Sha'ar Yechanyah) Sha'ar ha'Nitzotz. The Gate of the Spark, a roofed entrance under which burning coals were kept for rekindling purposes. It was formerly called the Gate of Yechanyah, for it was through this gate that the king passed when he went into exile to Bavel. On its roof was a watchtower.

#41 - Sha'ar ha'Korban. The Gate of the Offering, through which Kodshei Kodashim offerings were brought.

#42 - Sha'ar ha'Nashim. The Women's Gate, an entrance for women bringing offerings.

#43 - Beis ha'Moked. The Fireplace Room, a large, domed room where Kohanim could warm themselves during the service. (They became chilled easily while working barefoot in the open, and on cold, marble floors.) There were four smaller rooms in the corners of this large room:

SW - Lishkas Tela'ei Korban, where at least six blemish-free sheep were always kept. SE - Lishkas Lechem ha'Panim, where the Lechem ha'Panim was baked. NE - Lishkah of the Avnei Mizbe'ach, where stones of the Mizbe'ach defiled by the Greeks were stored. It is also called Lishkas ha'Chosamos because tokens exchangeable for flour and wine were sold there. NW - Beis Ha'Moked ha'Katan, which had a fireplace and an entrance to a basement Mikvah and washrooms. (The Beis Ha'Moked was built partially within the Kodesh area and partly within the area that was Chol, and it could be entered from either area. It had berths built into the wall on the side that was Chol for the use of the Kohanim who slept there overnight. The keys to all the gates of the Azarah were placed each night in a niche in the floor and covered with a marble slab.)

#44 - Shemoneh Amudim Nanasin. Eight short posts with hooks used for skinning Korbanos.

#45 - Shemoneh Shulchanos Shel Shayish. Eight marble tables on which Korbanos were rinsed.

#46 - Twenty-four Rings. Rings set into the floor for use during Shechitah. The animal's neck would be held firmly by the ring which opened and closed on a hinge.

#47 - The Mizbe'ach. The altar for burnt offerings, measuring 32 Amos square at its base and 10 Amos high including the Keranos (corner protrusions).

#48 - The Kevesh. The ramp to the Mizbe'ach on its southern side, which was 32 Amos long and 16 Amos wide. (There were 2 smaller ramps on either side of the ramp leading to and from the Sovev.)

#49 - Square Amah. Entrance to the Shis, an underground hollow where blood from the Yesod collected. A marble slab covering this opening in the floor was removed when it was necessary to clean the Shis.

#50 - The Machtah. The shovel used daily for Terumas ha'Deshen was left on the floor at the bottom corner of the ramp.

#51 - Two Tables. Two tables, one of marble for holding fats to be burned, and one of silver for holding the 93 Klei Shares.

#52 - The Kiyor. The Basin for washing hands and feet (Shemos 30:19-21). It had twelve faucets and was attached to a pulley that lowered it into a well of water.

#53 - Twelve Steps. Twelve steps leading to the Hall (Ulam) of the Sanctuary upon which the Kohanim stood for the daily Birkas Kohanim.

#54 - The Wall of the Ulam. The wall of the Ulam was 100 Amos long and 5 Amos thick, and as high as the Heichal.

#55 - The Entrance to the Ulam. The entrance to the Hall was 20 Amos wide and 40 Amos high. An embroidered curtain hung there in place of doors.

#56 - The Ulam. The inside measurements of the Ulam were 70 Amos by 11 Amos.

#57, #58 - Two Tables. A table was on either side of the entrance. The right one was made of marble, for holding the Lechem Ha'Panim before it was brought into the Sanctuary. The left one was made of gold, for holding the Lechem Ha'Panim when it was being removed.

#59 - Beis ha'Chalifos. At the far ends of the Ulam were two rooms, 15 Amos by 11 Amos, where the Shechitah knives of each Mishmar were kept.

#60 - Two Pishpeshim. Two doors, eight Amos high, in the corner of each of the Beis ha'Chalifos. (These doors were not used for entering or exiting, but to allow the Shechitah of Kodshim Kalim in any part of the Azarah by making the Shechitah compliant with the verse's requirement (Vayikra 3:2) that the Korban be slaughtered at the "entrance to the Sanctuary.") (Josephus notes that it was through the northern Pishpesh that the Romans threw the torch which set the Mikdash ablaze at the time of the destruction of the second Beis ha'Mikdash.)

#61 - The Entrance to the Heichal. The entrance to the Sanctuary was 10 Amos wide and 20 Amos high. Above it hung a golden vine to which new leaves and grapes of gold would be donated. (When necessary, grapes and leaves were removed and given to support the poor Kohanim.) High above the entrance, near the roof, was a golden Menorah. (The reflection of the sun's rays from the Menorah each morning marked the time for Keri'as Shema.) It had two sets of doors, one at each end of the six-Amah thickness of wall.)

#62 - Two Small Entrances. On either side of the Sanctuary entrance was a smaller entrance to the Ta'im. The left entrance was never opened because of the verse in Yechezkel 52:2.

#63 - Thirty-eight Ta'im. Thirty eight compartments for storage; 15 on the north side (3 levels of 5), 15 on the south side (3 levels of 5), and 8 on the west side (2 levels of 3, and another one on top of 2). Each compartment had three entrances; two to the compartments on either side, and one in the ceiling to the compartment in the level above.

#64 - Lul. An opening 8 Amos high in one of the western compartments to allow the Shechitah of Kodshim Kalim on the west, if necessary (see #60).

#65 - Mesibah. A ramp extended upwards from the floor at the northeast of the Sanctuary to the roof at the northwest, running level across the roof to the southwest, and upwards on the south to the entrance of the Sanctuary attic. (The attic was rarely entered. Once in seven years, when it was necessary to inspect or repair the walls of the Kodesh ha'Kodashim, artisans would be lowered in boxes from openings in the attic floor. These boxes were open in front to allow the artisans (Kohanim, if possible) to make their repairs without viewing the rest of the Kodesh ha'Kodashim. (King Yoash was hidden here (by his aunt, Yehosheva bas Yoram) as a child, saving him from the murderous intents of Queen Asalyah (Melachim II 11:1-3).)

#66 - Beis Horadas ha'Mayim. A corridor, three Amos wide, extended along the south wall to carry off rain water from the roof of the Sanctuary, which slanted in that direction.

#67 - The Heichal. The Sanctuary was 40 Amos long, 20 Amos wide, and 40 Amos high. On the outside it reached a height of 100 Amos. (King Herod (Hurdus) raised its height to 120 Amos (Josephus 55).

#68 - Tavlah Shel Shayish. A marble slab which was removed when it was necessary to take earth for the "bitter waters" of the Sotah (Bamidbar 5:17).

#69 - The Shulchan. The golden table of the Lechem ha'Panim on which twelve fresh loaves were placed each Shabbos (Vayikra 24:8).

#70 - The Menorah. The golden candelabra of seven lamps which was lit every evening and burned throughout the night (Shemos 27:21).

#71 - Mizbach ha'Zahav. The golden altar upon which the Ketores was offered twice each day (Shemos 30:1-10).

#72 - Two Kanei Zahav. Two golden stands upon which the Kohen Gadol placed the vessels containing the blood of the ox and goat offerings of Yom Kipur.

#73 - Amah Teraksin. A space one Amah wide between the two curtains
(Parochos) separating the Kodesh and the Kodesh Ha'Kodashim.

#74 - The Kodesh Ha'Kodashim. The Holy of Holies was 20 square Amos, and its height was 40 Amos. Entrance to the Kodesh Ha'Kodashim was permitted only to the Kohen Gadol, and only on Yom Kipur. On the floor was a stone three fingerbreadths high, called the "Even ha'Shesiyah," upon which the Aron rested.

#75 - The Aron Kodesh. The holy ark, containing the tablets of the Ten Commandments and the original Sefer Torah written by Moshe Rabeinu. King Yoshiyahu ordered that the Ark be hidden before the destruction of the first Beis Ha'Mikdash, in order to prevent its capture (Divrei ha'Yamim II 35:3). (Together with the Aron were also hidden the jar of manna, Aharon's staff, and the Shemen ha'Mishchah.) There was no Aron in the second Beis Ha'Mikdash.

#76 - Space. The distance between the end of the Hall and the Azarah wall was 17.5 Amos on each side.

#77 - this refers to the 32.5 by 32.5 Amos on the north and south sides of the Azarah.

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